Study Pathways & Articulation
We are just the beginning — your journey continues
Beyond Scots English
SCOTS has articulation agreements with several higher education providers such as the Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce, TAFE NSW, Southern-Cross University and many other vocational colleges.
Through a robust EAP program, SCOTS prepares students quite well for their undergraduate and postgraduate studies ensuring they improve their English proficiency and acquire the necessary academic skills to succeed in their tertiary studies.

Direct Entry to Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce (IMC)
IMC, previously known as Top Education Institute, is a leading Private Higher Education Provider since 2009, specialising in Business and Accounting Degrees.
SCOTS’ students are able to have the opportunity to gain pathways into the Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce (IMC) and/or other Australian colleges upon successful completion of the EAP course.

English Entry Requirements
- All applicants with overseas qualifications applying for Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies at IMC need to provide evidence of English proficiency.
- IMC recognises a number of English language tests as proof of English proficiency, however, requirements vary across programs.
- If applicants require English language training before commencing formal studies, Scots English College is a pathway that is strongly recommended.
Top Education Group Ltd (TOP)
Top Education Group Ltd (TOP) is the FIRST Higher Education group in Australia listed in HK main board stock exchange. TOP currently encompasses two Higher Education School brands and an ELICOS Provider:

Important Information relating to Scots English College and TAFE NSW Agreement
The agreement between TAFE NSW and Scots English College is a commercial arrangement of the terms which are defined by legal contract between the parties. TAFE NSW and Scots English College remain independent contractors to each each other who, through the agreement, will enable international students to complete an English Language course at Scots English College then articulate into a TAFE NSW course. TAFE NSW has appointed Scots English College as a TAFE NSW Pathway Provider.
Last Updated on 13 May 2020.